Learn it - Experience it & Experience it - Learn it

Hello, bezzies !!

Learn it - Experience it !!
Experience it - Learn from it !!

Is learning a kind of experience?
Is experiencing a process of learning?
Isn't it crazy to find the difference between learning and experiencing? 

Let's "experience" the mad in thinking about their close relation towards each other and "learn" what they really mean? And how they are related?

Learning and Experience are things related to each other as one gives the other in every chore we do. This is the basic principle for every human being. If we learn a principle, we have to experience it with bare hands. If we experience a thing, we have to learn from it. 
         Experiencing without learning from it, Learning a principle, but not being willing to experience it, is only one's precious time up in smoke. 

Every action we do is related to learning and experiencing. Let's Learn and Experience as we go! Being
willing to experience what you learn and  Willing to learn from your experience is a process of making a better version of yourself as a human being in your wheel of life from your existence to demise.

Learn, experience, live, love, and enjoy the process !!


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